In November 2024, Transconverter concluded an Agreement with Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry

In September 2024, Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology has issued Transconverter a type approval certificate for measuring devices №93233-24 for voltage sensor QPSW1000-02.

In August 2024, the specialists of Transconverter participated with a report in the international scientific and technical conference PCIM Asia 2024 (Shenzhen, China).

In June 2024, “Transconverter” completed start and adjustment works of the test-bench SI150 UHL4 for Yaroslavsky electric locomotive repair plant.

In May 2024, specialists of “Transconverter” participated with a report in International Conference on Industrial Engineering ICIE-24 (Sochi).

In April 2024, “Transconverter” set about manufacturing two charging devices of ZUT105‑02 U1 type for electric locomotive EKA‑05 type.

In March 2024, Transconverter completed the development and released the bench-converter PS35 UHL4 which is meant for testing a single-phase load with an output voltage of 650V, 400Hz.

In January 2024, Transconverter completed the development and released a test-bench SI3100 UHL4 for Ulan-Ude locomotive and car repair plant.

In December 2023, Transconverter produced a test-bench SI150 YHL4 for Beshchev Yaroslavsky electric locomotive repair factory.

Nine years ago, Transconverter developed and released IP3 M1 power supply source for the power supply system of the oceanological vehicle.