In November 2024, Transconverter concluded an Agreement with Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry

According to the concluded Agreement, Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry provides a service on analyzing the submitted documents and obtaining an expert report confirming that the Russian Federation is the country of origin of the input module ТКН01.000.000.00 which is manufactured by Transconverter.

This module is an initiative development of Transconverter and is meant for use in auxiliary converters PSN110 U1, PSN100 U2 and PSN235 U2 instead of HUR modules manufactured by Siemens AG. It has the following technical characteristics:


No. Characteristics Value
1 Current type of input voltage Direct
2 Rated input voltage, V 1,500
3 Number of output channels, pcs 2
4 Current type of output voltage Alternating
5 Number of output voltage phases 2
6 Rated output phase-to-phase voltage, V 500
7 Rated frequency, Hz 13,500
8 Rated output capacity, kVA 80
9 Weight, kg, max 33
10 Overall dimensions, mm, max 575х275х400