In April 2022, Transconverter set about series manufacturing of the input modules TKH01.000.000.00 (slave) and TKH02.000.000.00 (master).

Input modules ТКН01.000.000.00 and ТКН02.000.000.00 (input HUR modules) are meant for the solidary voltage conversion 3000V DC to the high-frequency four channel voltage 500V AC.

The output power of each module is 100 kVA.

These input HUR modules can be used in all converters which are produced by Transconverter.

In the specified HUR modules, drivers developed by Transconverter are used, which are meant to form control signal of the power transistors. Drivers data can be used both in ТКН01.000.000.00 and ТКН02.000.000.00, and in the input HUR modules produced by Siemens AG.